Source code for pyntcloud.structures.delaunay

import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from itertools import combinations

from .base import Structure

[docs]class Delaunay3D(Delaunay, Structure): def __init__(self, points, furthest_site=False, incremental=False, qhull_options=None): Structure.__init__(self, points=points) self._furthest_site = furthest_site self._incremental = incremental self._qhull_options = qhull_options def compute(self): """ABC API""" = "D({},{})".format(self._furthest_site, self._qhull_options) Delaunay.__init__(self, self._points, self._furthest_site, self._incremental, self._qhull_options) def get_mesh(self): """ Decompose the tetrahedrons into triangles to build mesh. The returned mesh is in mesh-vertex format, suitable for been assigned to PyntCloud.mesh. """ triangles = [] for tetra in self.simplices: for tri in combinations(tetra, 3): triangles.append([tri[0], tri[1], tri[2]]) mesh = pd.DataFrame(triangles, columns=["v1", "v2", "v3"]) return mesh