Source code for pyntcloud.scalar_fields.normals

import numpy as np
from .base import ScalarField

class NormalsScalarField(ScalarField):
    def extract_info(self):
        self.normals = self.pyntcloud.points[["nx", "ny", "nz"]].values

[docs]class InclinationDegrees(NormalsScalarField): """ Vertical inclination with respect to Z axis in degrees. """ def compute(self): inclination = np.arccos(self.normals[:, -1]) self.to_be_added["inclination_deg"] = np.rad2deg(inclination)
[docs]class InclinationRadians(NormalsScalarField): """ Vertical inclination with respect to Z axis in radians. """ def compute(self): inclination = np.arccos(self.normals[:, -1]) self.to_be_added["inclination_rad"] = inclination
[docs]class OrientationDegrees(NormalsScalarField): """ Horizontal orientation with respect to the XY plane in degrees. """ def compute(self): angle = np.arctan2(self.normals[:, 0], self.normals[:, 1]) # convert (-180 , 180) to (0 , 360) angle = np.where(angle < 0, angle + (2 * np.pi), angle) self.to_be_added["orientation_deg"] = np.rad2deg(angle)
[docs]class OrientationRadians(NormalsScalarField): """ Horizontal orientation with respect to the XY plane in radians. """ def compute(self): angle = np.arctan2(self.normals[:, 0], self.normals[:, 1]) # convert (-180 , 180) to (0 , 360) angle = np.where(angle < 0, angle + (2 * np.pi), angle) self.to_be_added["orientation_rad"] = angle